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The Big Caveat to Your Future

Writer's picture: Craig DubeckiCraig Dubecki
Is It Too Late? A Ten-minute Read

Are you worried these days? Are you hiding away from the feeling of being worried? I am worried. I am worried about life. I am worried about my family, my friends, my city, my country, and my planet Earth’s life. I am however, most worried, no, most terrified, of what character this world may evolve into in the next

few years for the youth of today, and especially my children and their children.

I am currently writing my third book, which should be out by spring 2025. The book starts off with an introduction entitled, The Big Caveat to Your Future- a chapter about the current world situation as it has become in this year of 2024. The political fiascoes, individual hatred and anger running rampant, anarchy, gang attacks, wars, senseless killing and genocide, bullying, disparaging leadership, overdose deaths, mental un-wellness, poverty, cultural and gender violence and death, seem to be all around us. The world as a whole is off-balance. With all these worries, my conscience has the best of me - I cannot stay quiet. I feel the need to share that introduction chapter with you - now!

This is very real - what is happening now. The off-balance and the very imminence with what may happen, and change, in the very near future - we will all be affected. Either way it goes, the world will change. We will change. My hope is that this ten-minute read will open your mind up to reflection.

Whatever side you feel you are on, I hope you will find a reason to do a self-check on your own thinking and decision making, and ensure that you are comfortable with who you are. Do this for your planet. Do this for your children. Do this for all the children. They are supposed to look at us so-called “experienced and wise”

humans, parents, teachers, influencers and leaders - all as role models. How do you want them to grow up, and in what kind of world you want for them: kind and peaceful, or intimidating and angry?

Right now, what side of life are you on?

Human Mechatronics by Craig Dubecki

Or, as I alluded to in my second book subtitled: The Double-Edged Power of Influence, what side of the double-edged sword are you on? Yes, sword! It has, currently in 2024, come to that. In this ever-increasingly confusing and scary world that we live in, there has never been, in the history of humankind, as much global chaos, in size and speed, as there is now. We live in a world where the critical path of living our life is packed with depression, anxiety, fear, greed, anarchy, entitlement, and cutting-like-a-sword polarization.

Yet at the same time, and depending on where you globally live, humans have never had the opportunity to the personal enjoyment of life, in size and speed, as they do these days. “Size” is due to the ability to reach almost any destination on Earth via the Internet and, also by air and water. “Speed” is also due to that very same one factor - the Internet. Within seconds we are able to communicate across the globe with strangers we have never met. Exciting? Yes! Dangerous? Absolutely! Why do we listen and believe so quickly in a complete stranger, who lives under their own unknown-to-you domain, over the people who live and report from our own Living Order (your immediate life)? The answers to that are many and are both negative and positive. Who do we trust? That is “the” question!

I stress globally for enjoyment of life as when you think about people living in Senegal, Africa versus Haiti versus Afghanistan versus people in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Canada versus Finland, Mexico City, Sal Paulo Argentina or Las Vegas, United States - all have different definitions of what gives them their

sense of “enjoyment of life." What does “enjoyment of life” mean to you, and why?

Another key question is, what defines Good, and what defines Bad? Whatever side of the double-edged sword you are currently sitting on: the morally and ethically side vs the power mongering and controlling and, quite possibly hate-driven side - in the near future, decisions we have made many times before will need to be made again and this time with a gravity we have never felt before. These decisions will dictate and define where you are in the world, and maybe where and what the world itself will become.

This is not the time in life where we dare ignore what is causing the stress we all know is happening in the world today. The future itself depends on our awareness and understanding of just that. We need to live our lives with focus, yet need to keep the blinders off enough so we don’t lose sense of reality. Politics and

governing bodies, regardless of the Living Order, can and will change the World Order (the world as a whole) quicker than we can believe. This time, there may be no turning back. We face the distinct possibility of looking back and asking, “how did this happen?” and confessing, “I should have done more!” The whole system

of life, with the ever-growing human-made scotoma, anarchy and chaos, has thrown our World Order, the physical World itself, off balance. We are at a tipping point with Good vs. Bad. This is a serious inflection point for the world.

If there is a side that I live on, and am writing this book for, it’s to guide people to thinking and being part of a world which is dedicated to: democracy, honesty, fairness, opportunity, compassion and the ethical good that people were at least born with.

I stress that dedication. Does that make me judgmental compared to the opposite? I guess so and I accept that with my clear and conscious mind. There will be those - even with the words I write here, who will flip the words and meaning around to use them to justify their own authoritative and dogmatic views of life and the way they want the world to work and satisfy only their select people. They make the “bad” sound good and turn the “good” into the bad. Many of those who listen and conform to that behavior, maybe even without knowing, have lost their own free thinking. They think they are free-thinkers but in reality, they are just followers of the immediate times. The energy they feel makes them feel alive. Negative energy is very powerful and intoxicating when trying to find meaning for oneself. “They think they understand history but only enough to twist and validate what they want their view to be at the time.” Does that statement piss you off? Good. Don’t run away from that. Think about it.

The last couple of generations have lived with a huge identity-crisis. It’s not their fault! The aforementioned Scotoma (the mind will believe what the mind wants to believe), along with Cognitive Dissonance, are prevalent and powerful like never before. History is not to be cancelled out.

What do you define as history? Is it only so far back enough to justify what you want to believe in? Regardless of good or bad, or even evil, history is to be learned upon. What we have lived through, both good and bad, is astonishingly barbaric in many senses - but we have survived - so far! We must recognize past experiences for what and why they were - on both sides of the sword, acknowledge them, learn from them, then find their place, and our peace, archived in history and making sure they either: never happens again, or we grow from them.

We will all judge - everyone does. It’s how we deal with that judgment of ours that matters most. Does that judgement take control of your individual thinking and decision-making? This identity-crisis is formed from confusion which has led to low self-esteem and lack of purpose or meaning. We are meant to grow from

history and evolve from it to better places. We move on looking forward – WYLIWYG: Where You Look Is Where You Go®. Remember that phrase.

In these eras of, among others, Generation X and Z, that the youth of today are labelled by, Cancel Culture and WOKE - even when their definitions are unclear, seem to be the two distinct phenomena mandating many of today’s youth, and ideologies. These generations, are this planet’s future. We need to first see and hear them, then understand them, embrace them for who that they are which, we may have no understanding and/or appreciation for due to why we think the way “we” think. Most of all, we need to be there for them. Like it or not – they need us as they are so impressionable to any kind of energy. They, like any of us, can be easily swayed – good or bad, without realizing that moment’s reality and consequences. The youth are just that - young and excited, yet terrified. They, like we did, came to this world without any instruction book. They are young and just gaining the wisdom to practically learn what life is really all about. We know that feeling – we have lived it ourselves.

I will say to those people who flip things around to satisfy their own words, “The world is not just yours. It is ours! We all live on the same planet that needs “all of us” to take care of it. The human species is a collective on this planet Earth. We live in Living Worlds which live within the World Order which, lives in the Cosmic Order. It is a very fine line where some of us live in peace and freely enjoy life amongst our neighbors, versus those who live in fear, control and guarded captivity, being told what to think, feel, and do, backed by the threat of harm. If this summarizes into Good vs. Bad, then so be it. As far as giving a label to the two sides of the sword, this is where we are today.”

Ah, but what do you define as right and what is wrong? What do you define as good and what is bad? These are the questions that make up this big caveat. This is the big warning before you take on defining yourself. Both sides of the sword will argue this, to again, justify what they want and believe in - to form their own

ideology. Remember how this new book is being dedicated.

To guide your thinking into finding your own answer to that question, let me ask you another question. Why are you here? Why are we here? Why were we put here on Earth? Regardless of your faith or political belief: Muslin, Christian, Catholic, Buddhism, Communism, Atheist, Democracy, Left, Right, Ancient Aliens, and so on, what kind of mindset do you think we humans came with? I was brought up with Christianity. First came Adam; then came Eve. Did they come with the mindset of thinking good thoughts, or bad thoughts? Did they want

to kill each other, or did they want to live with each other? Simple question. Which one - and why?

Oh, I can hear it now! Here now comes the redirection many humans do to redefine the narrative to their comfort, "Well, Adam and Eve, brother and sister you know, God created them, which led to the human race evolving based on incest - which is a sin!” Really now? You are so sure that’s how it started. The Christian

belief about Jesus is that he was born of the Virgin Mary. There was no sex – no procreation to bring Jesus to life on this world. Well, if that happened, then why could Adam and Eve not be created the same way, with the human race evolving the same way, without sex, until a man and a woman finally figured it out? There are many animals that give birth without mating, a process called parthenogenesis. They did that before humans, and continue doing it to this day. So why could humans not start that way? Again, I’m not telling you anything here, I am merely wanting you to think about all the possibilities.

Now, back to this question; what kind of mindset do you think we humans came with? If it was to kill each other, neither you nor I would be here right now. Neither would our parents, children, our partners - we never would have existed. So, what changed? Why have we had all this violence and death through the ages?

Funny thing about our Human Machine. It was created in a particular fashion providing ways in which we can create marvels that are ethereal,experience joy and ecstasy, as well as dream about things we couldn’t consciously imagine. We were born with a brain which evolves into our mind. It is designed to be creative, to imagine, to grow in knowledge, respond to stimulus and push human boundaries. These last two - stimulus and pushing boundaries, - they help create our competitiveness and emotional nature. What stimulus do you most dramatically respond to? When you answer, remember two things about us humans: self-esteem and judgement. How do you get fired up? Are you ready to take action on something bad, or something good? Are you judging, and why are you judging? Are you judging you? Is it out of like or dislike? Is it something about the past? Neither is wrong. Neither is bad or good. How we treat others and more so ourselves, is however, another thing that truly matters.

Yet, we were also created with destructive abilities and the ability to experience hate, anger and emptiness. Now, are those destructive abilities meant for protection, or to cause violence and death for sometimes of personal benefit? Again, if from the beginning of Humankind, it was for violence and death - we all would not be here.

Does one create the other? Do you need the good to spawn the bad? Do you need bad to validate the good? It's like the proverbial Angel versus the Devil, but this time we're not talking about an individual (not yet at least). We are talking about all human beings, including their Living Order and the World Order. We are

talking about how “the people” live amongst the people.

Before I go on, I'd like to summarize what the Living Order and World Order is. It is detailed in my first book on Human Mechatronics: The Double-Edged Power of Influence. The Living Order is, as an individual, what drives you to live the way you do. Living Orders can come in vastly different sizes: marriage, families, friendships, neighborhoods, cliques, teams, churches, clubs, counties, countries, etc… There are Living Orders that live within Living Orders. Think of a church which supports a particular faith, within a town, within a county, within a

State, within a Country. Those are all Living Orders. Now how does that fit in the World Order?

World Orders are the masses; the encompassing umbrella in which all Living Orders function within. Think of it like a puzzle. You have all these little individual pieces, each representing a small part of what makes up the whole. Usually, someone starts with finding similar pieces of very similar nature and idea, that fit together to evolve into a little larger piece of the whole. At the same time, someone is starting to find the frame, the outside perimeter, the encompassing umbrella which all those little pieces, Living Orders, will be inside of – working together to make sense of the whole – the World Order. Once finished, if you start removing too many strategic pieces, the whole no longer makes sense. It has lost its identity.

So, going back to the beginning of humankind, did they come with the mindset of thinking good thoughts, or bad thoughts? How did an individual mindset become a small order mindset then morph into a country’s mindset? How does content and comfort turn into disdain and hate? Are you comfortable being with a stranger, no matter where they are from, or are you not? Either way - why? Is that you as an individual feeling that, or are you influenced by outside sources that seem to ease you back into comfort. Why? Do you stand on your own; or do you follow? Again, I ask, why? Why do you think the way you think? So, one last big caveat about the Orders, especially the largest physical Living Order (countries) and the World Order (Earth). Countries are unique in that they carry a passion for a specific heritage, or history if you will. As we’ve discussed, some bad history; some good history. We are currently, in 2024, once again living through an epic shift in how we, the World Order, is evolving. What can in one moment of time be an endearing cultural celebration, the next decade can be one of hate and destruction. This one however, may be at a level with consequences we can only imagine with no turning back. Question, does your country A. hate another country, and why, or B. Is your country governed by a dictatorship or democracy? Further questions need to be asked especially when using the word, hate.

Right now, the wolves, they are waiting. They are watching you - us. They are watching everyone. Wolves, like the Orca, the Lion, and Tiger, these are all Apex Predators. They are at the top of the food chain with only few predators of their own. They smell fear. They smell blood, and they smell weakness. They cause and then smell confusion, chaos and hesitation.

Humans are also Apex Predators - the most dangerous of all, and the species that kills more than any other. Right now, however, some human wolves, even in your own Living Order, are not only waiting and watching, they are salivating at the mouth. For years, if not decades, there has been a game of both Chess and Risk being played. They smell food ready to be devoured.

The food is the lack of strength and union in good humankind, and in politics. After all, politics and governments - not just as a country but also youth sport teams, religion, associations, school boards, etc… are supposed to be there to protect the people; to be the voice of the people. Far too often it is becoming only

the voice of the government - those in supposedly leadership positions. Politics can breakdown and manipulate the people to lose sight of their own thinking and reasoning, only to be brainwashed into a non-healthy conformity based on scotoma - what they want to believe regardless of proven facts. That, is what happens in a

cult, and that is what is happening in the world today - in more ways than just one. That, is the big caveat!

Know the reality behind the choices you make. Know why you think the way you think. Better yet, know why the children of today think the way they do and, can you live with that as your legacy!

Craig Dubecki

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A DDConn Company
Powered by Craig Dubecki


The science of Human Mechatronics™ is dedicated to my three beautiful children (R.I.P. Blair), and their incredible spirits, ethics, love, and strength.

Human Mechatronics™, DotsDoConnect™, Aftermation™, Individual Influence Level™ - The I.I.L. Effect, Quadrantic Cognition™ - QC Levels, The 3Cs of HM, The 3Fs of Focusing, 5 Eyes of Human Mechatronics, Let er Rip are all protected by Trademark and owned by Craig Dubecki. WYLIWYG: Where You Look Is Where You Go®, is a registered Trademark owned by Craig Dubecki

All material contained herein and part of Human Mechatronics™ is protected by Copyright Laws.  No material, part of whole, including videos, may be reproduced without written permission by Craig Dubecki. 


All material shared by Craig Dubecki, DDConn, and found under Human Mechatronics™, is meant for ethical, positive and morally good, and healthy guidance in pursuit of personal growth.  Craig Dubecki and DDConn hold no responsibility or liability to any negative outcome.  It is the viewer’s responsibility and obligation to themselves that they see an accredited, professionally trained individual prior to embarking on personal changes.

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